Embrace the Shake
A wonderful TED talk about the need to embrace limitations. How can limitations become a spring board for inspiration?
We are taking a new path this year in the art room.
This video shows an English teacher using what is called the gradual release method for teaching.
It is my hope that the way the art room will function this year will follow a similar model.
Getting things ready…
Back from vacation and the clock is ticking…tick tock tick tock. Before we know it school will be back in session. This year blogs are going to be a very important part of our classes. This being the first year for this format, I am only going to have one blog site for all classes. In a sense we are all starting over so much of what we do will be similar across class structures. Art One will follow a slightly different path than the Advanced Art classes but in regards to the use of blogs it will be very similar.
My main purpose in working today was to develop a step by step presentation for students to use to develop their personal blogs. I am very hopeful that having a teacher blog will cut out any unnecessary paper copies. All information will be located in my teacher blog. In regards to student blogs – these will be used for students to keep a diary of their ideas, work and reflections.
I am eager to get things moving but I still have more work to do!
Here we go!
And so it begins…I have started this blog to first figure out what steps need to be taken for my students to create their own blogs this year. There will be a lot of new and exciting things in the art room this year. One of those things will be implementing the use of blogs to help develop, document and reflect on the creative process. I’m looking forward to seeing what amazing things my students will do this year!